Risultati per 'produzione Nilac':

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 soredi s.p.a - produzione di compound di prodotti termoplastici
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Introduction. Nilac is a form of vitamin A that is used to treat acne which appears as spots or pimples on your face, chest or back. It also helps to smooth rough facial skin and to reduce fine wrinkles on the skin. Nilac reduces excessive oil production of the skin.

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Product Description. Nilac Gel harnesses the power of Clindamycin and Nicotinamide to combat acne effectively. By targeting excessive oil production and eliminating acne-causing bacteria, it reduces inflammation and prevents future breakouts.

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Product Details. About Nilac Gel. Nilac Gel belongs to the class of antibiotics known as lincomycin antibiotics, primarily used to treat inflamed acne. It minimizes the formation of excessive natural oil, known as sebum. It also reduces swelling caused due to acne.

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Product Details. About Nilac A Gel. Nilac A Gel belongs to the class of dermatological preparations called 'antiacne' used to treat acne (pimples). Acne is a skin condition that is common and occurs when hair follicles are blocked with dead skin cells and oil.

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Nilac Gel is a combination medicine that helps treat acne (commonly called pimples) by reducing the production of excessive oil in the skin that causes acne. This also kills acne-causing bacteria and prevents spots or pimples from appearing.

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